We buy at 35% market value

we sell for you at 70% market value

We will post your cards to

TCGPlayer, Ebay, and the Hatemail Games Store.

You rip it, we ship it.

The not-so-fine print

  • We buy and sell trading cards.

    If you need the money now, we’ll be glad to buy your collection at a reasonable rate. Otherwise, if you don’t need the money this instant, we will sell any card with a market value of 2$ or greater for you.

    We store, package, and ship your card out. We cover all associated fees and taxes. If the card sells for 10 dollers, you will get 7 dollars back in your pocket.

    Everything else we buy as bulk.

  • We charge 1$, or 30% of the sale. Which ever is greater.

  • Reach out to us at Team@hatemail.games or fill out
    the intake form here:


    If your collection is over $100, we’ll even cover the cost of shipping! 🥰

  • Item description
  • Nope! We buy!