Gather yer crew, load yer titan, and take to the skies in…

The Seas Above

set in the shattered remains of a dead planet,

The Seas Above is a player focused, narratively driven rpg

Featuring a “rulings” over “rules” mentality.

designed for sandbox campaigns

The Seas Above invites players to SET THE PACE

giving GM’s the chance

to play more and prep less.

Learn More


  • Well… ok, you caught me. It’s vague AF. But I’ve sat here for longer then I care admit trying to come up with something better and I really can’t. If you have a better term please feel free to write me a very sternly worded e-mail about what you would use instead.

    Basically what I’m trying to say is that a lot of the games narrative elements are dictated by the player. Players decide what happens on a successful die roll, and make up the effects of magic on the spot. This, however, is tempered by the GM who gets to stipulate what happens on a failed die roll, or the cost that the caster must pay before casting the spell.

    Traditional rpg’s leave it up to the GM to dictate the bounds of success and failure. TSA, on the other hand, invites players to the bargaining table and asks “So how bad do you want it?”.

    But even outside of that — the very nature of being a pirate by far a much more … player driven role. You aren’t a hero. You don’t need a quest, or a villan to spure you to action.

    No. You’re a fucking pirate. An empty hull is reason enough.

  • Nope. Not even close.

    It’s playable … but certainty not polished. Many secondary subsystems (feats / equipment / GM Chapter) aren’t included in the text because they simply haven’t been written yet. We know what we want to do with them, but I still need to put words to paper to draft them, get it reviewed, redraft it, pair with it with some art… yadda yadda yadda.

    This release is an Alpha - a proof of concept. It's playable, but it's going to take a significant amount of leverage on behalf the GM to make it happen.

    If you’re really thirsting for more, you can join the discord over at XXX, but for now you get what you get.


    lol, alrighty, joking aside… It’s going to be awhile. What you see is before you is about one full years worth of work. It’s honestly a lot farther then I ever expected it to get… but it very evidently has a bit more to go.

    The easy answer is:

    When it’s done.

    But something with some backbone would be:

    A beta (full text) will be released Q1 of 2023 with the full print release sometime in 2024.

Hatemail Games

Made with spite